Host plants:
The larvae are polyphagous, but obviously prefer regionally different host plants. In NE-Spain (Monegros near Zaragoza) I recorded them especially on Salsola vermiculata (Chenopodiaceae, nowadays included in Amaranthaceae), near Albarracin (Teruel, Central Spain) on Calycotome sp. (Fabaceae).
Orgyia dubia inhabits hot areas like dry steppes, rocky slopes, summer-dry shores of salt lakes, marshland near the coast etc.
Life cycle:
The egg hibernates. In Spain (ssp. splendida) I recorded young to half-grown larvae near Albarracin (1200m) in late May 2018, but near Zaragoza (250m) already mature ones. The moths hatched between late June and July. Probably several generations occur. In Cyprus (supposedly ssp. turcica) moths and larvae are also reported from autumn.
The larvae feed more or less openly on the host plants. Oviposition takes place in the cocoon of the wingless females, partly even within the pupal skin. The hatched larvae can thus feed on the dead female for a first meal. The dispersion stage is the hatched larva with its long hair which is blown over distances by the winds.
Endangerment factors:
Orgyia dubia is locally pushed back by overbuilding, tourism, agricultural intensification, but also reforestation and bush encroachment in its habitats.
The complex around Orgyia dubia is treated taxonomically very inhomogenously. The subspecies (ssp. splendida: Spain, ssp. josephina: NW-Africa, ssp. algirica: NE-Africa to Israel, ssp.arcerii: Sicily, ssp. turcica: Cyprus, Asia Minor, ssp. transcaspica: Turkmenistan, ssp. dubia: S-Russia) are considered differently from author to author and sometimes raised to species rank (e.g. josephina or splendida). At the moment it seems to be most appropriate to rank all these taxa infraspecifically under O. dubia. Both genital morphology and barcoding did not give any evidence yet, too.