Host plants:
The larva feeds on mosses, lichens, dead plants, flowers and algae. In the west Austrian Montafon I observed mature caterpillars eating in air-humid weather at flowers of Anthyllis vulneraria during the day at 1800 meters above sea level.
Eilema lurideola is typical of forest edges, swamps, light forests, mountain forests and bushy, stony or rocky grasslands, as long as they are not too xerothermic.
Life cycle:
The wintered caterpillar is found from March to May. Observations of young caterpillars in the autumn can be reported regularly, too. The moths fly in June/July, some still in August.
Endangerment factors:
Eilema lurideola is not endangered.
Eilema lurideola is widespread in Europe except for the northern- and southernmost regions. It occurs also in the temperate zone of Asia.