Bradyporus dasypus inhabits steppe and forest steppe habitats (open oak woodland with clearings). To a certain extent it is dependent on very extensively managed agricultural systems where small oak woodland is interspersed with pastures and arable land with high portion of fallow patches. Many individuals are found in these fallow patches which are fresh green at larval and early adult time.
Life cycle:
Bradyporus dasypus develops early in the season so that first adults appear as early as late May. Already in July Bradyporus dasypus becomes scarcer again. But especially in higher altitudes individuals can be seen still in August or even later. Bradyporus dasypus is usually detected by the loud male songs especially in the evening, but also at other times. Then individuals are found on trunks, branches and herbs. But usually they are more hidden in the vegetation near the ground.
Endangerment factors:
Bradyporus dasypus is heavily endangered by agricultural intensification in most of its range. A more intense cultivation without proper portion of fallow land lets Bradyporus dasypus disappear soonly. Another point is that open woodlands are growing denser and denser after abandonment of grazing and extense management.
Bradyporus dasypus occurs from about 0-1700m in E-Albania, N- and parts of Central Greece, Northern Macedonia (FYROM), Bulgaria (except in the Northwest), SE-Romania an in the European part of Turkey. It is extinct in Hungary, most of Serbia and in parts of Romania as well as probably in Montenegro.