The insects feed on mosses, algae, lichens, detritus and also low growing herbs.
Tetrix tenuicornis inhabits grasslands, woodland clearings, rocky slopes, gravel pits, river banks, dry spots in marshes, pastures and similar places. It can occur anywhere if open soil spots occur and the soil is not permanently wet. But dry habitats are clearly preferred.
Life cycle:
Tetrix tenuicornis hibernates sometimes as adult similar to Tetrix bipunctata, but more often as a larva, so that imagines are found nearly year-round with the exception of the cold winter, but occur most commonly around May and June.
Endangerment: regionally endangered or decreasing
Endangerment factors:
Tetrix tenuicornis is endangered modestly by the decline in dry meadows and open soil areas. It is still quite widespread and often common.
The distribution extends from Northern Spain through central and Eastern Europe to temperate Asia.