Nemobius sylvestris (Bosc, 1792)

Nemobius sylvestris: Female (east Pyrenees, Canigou, 1500m asl, October 2013) [N] Nemobius sylvestris: Male (Pyrenees, Canigou, 1500m asl, October 2013) [N] Nemobius sylvestris: Female [N] Nemobius sylvestris: Female [N] Nemobius sylvestris: Female (east Pyrenees, Canigou, 1500m asl, October 2013) [N] Nemobius sylvestris: A habitat on the Swabian Alb: rocky, bushy slope at theforest edge [N]

Leaf litter, decaying plant parts, fruits and also fresh plants and dead or living insects.

Nemobius sylvestris occurs on the one hand in warm, open forests, in particular on sunny margins and scrubby grasslands. In addition, it inhabits also quarries, screes and boulders in grasslands, where they are hidden in the pore systems of the stones.

Life cycle:
The adults are found from July to November. Occasionally single individuals hibernate and are then found in the spring. From the eggs that are deposited in late summer/autumn, the larvae hatch in part according to literature in the same year, in part not until the following spring. Apparently the larvae overwinter then again. Oviposition takes place in the ground.

Endangerment factors:
Nemobius sylvestris is widespread in central and Southern Germany. But it lacks cool, damp areas largely such as the northern foreland of the Alps. It is hardly endangered.

Nemobius sylvestris occurs from North Africa across the Iberian Peninsula, France, northwesternmost Italy and parts of Central Europe to southern England, southwestern Poland and the Czech Republic.