Host plants:
The larvae feed in the first place on willows (Salix), especially S. caprea, S. cinerea and S. aurita, but also on narrow-leaved willow species. If Populus or/and Betula are used at least regionally is not sure. Additional records are known from Ulmus and Celtis.
Nymphalis xanthomelas inhabits in the first place wetlands like woody fens, lake and river shores, riparian woodlands and similar places. Secondarily, it may occur temporarily in many other types of woodland and in the open countryside.
Life cycle:
The adults hibernate and are active again between mid-February and well into May (peak between mid-March and April). They can be seen on forest trackes or truncs, the males perching. The adults occasionally visit flowering Salix bushes. Oviposition takes place most often between 10. April and early or mid-May in batches on tips of small twigs. The larvae live gregariously on branches that are located directly above open water (shores, ditches) between late April or May and mid-June. They separate a bit in the last instar. Pupation usually takes place in the herb layer. The fresh adults emerge from mid- or late June, but are active until hibernation only shortly.
The eastern species is especially found in eastern Europe and in parts of temperate Asia (including mountain ranges) to Japan. In Europe, Nymphalis xanthomelas is distributed east of a line from eastern Poland to northern Greece permanently. To the west Nymphalis xanthomelas strays in good years. The offspring may reproduce for some years in good habitats. These vagrants are more common in S-Sweden and S-Finland, but occasionally also seen e.g. in N-Germany and rarely also S-Germany or E-Austria.