Myrmeleotettix antennatus inhabits sandy grassland and inland dunes. It is most common in scarcely vegetated areas where patches with vegetation and bare ground alternate in small-scale. On both very open, bare sands as well as in more densely vegetated areas Myrmeleotettix antennatus decreases quickly.
Endangerment factors:
Myrmeleotettix antennatus has already been pushed back substantially in its European range. It is, however, still more abundant e.g. in parts of Hungary. Main endangerment reasons are transformation of the habitat into agricultural fields, afforestation, bush encroachment, overbuilding and increasing overgrowth (partly also due to neophytes).
Myrmeleotettix antennatus shows an East European and Sibirian distribution which occurs from W-Sibiria westwards to Hungary and Slovakia. In E-Austria no current sites are known.