Pezotettix anatolica Uvarov 1934

Pezotettix anatolica: Male (Greece, Samos Island, Klima, late June 2016) [N] Pezotettix anatolica: Female (Greece, Samos Island, Klima, late June 2016) [N] Pezotettix anatolica: Female (Greece, Samos Island, Ireon, early March 2016) [N] Pezotettix anatolica: Female (Greece, Samos Island, Ireon, early March 2016) [N] Pezotettix anatolica: Habitat (Greece, Samos Island, Ireon, early March 2016) [N] Pezotettix anatolica: Habitat (Greece, Samos Island, Klima, late June 2016) [N]

Pezotettix anatolica inhabits vegetation-rich semi-open and open habitats of all kinds from coastal wetlands to woodland margins and maquis.

Pezotettix anatolica occurs in the Northern part of the East Eagean (e.g. Samos, Lesbos) and in Asia Minor and the Near East. In the Southern East Egean (Kalimnos, Kos, Rhodes) it is replaced by P. lagoi.

Pezotettix cypria | Pezotettix giornae | Pezotettix lagoi