Pezotettix lagoi Jannone, 1936

Pezotettix lagoi: Female (Rhodes, Attaviros, September 2013) [N] Pezotettix lagoi: Adult (Rhodes, Attaviros, September 2013) [N] Pezotettix lagoi: Adult (Rhodes, September 2013) [N] Pezotettix lagoi: Habitat in Rhodes (Attaviros, September 2013) [N]

Pezotettix lagoi occurs numerously in garigues and similar habitats (Rhodes).

Life cycle:
The adults hibernate. I met many specimens in September 2013 in Rhodes.

Pezotettix lagoi is close to Pezotettix giornae and occurs in the eastern Aegean (Rhodes, Kos and Kalimnos).

Pezotettix anatolica | Pezotettix cypria | Pezotettix giornae