Herbs (especially flowers and fruits), grasses, soft insects.
Platycleis tessellata inhabits dry and warm pastures, ruderal areas and nutrient-poor grasslands. Extensivel grazed pastures with much Bromus erectus are the most common type of habitat. Platycleis tessellata is usually very local. I found it in a spot of only a few 100 square meters within a large slope in Massif de la Sainte Baume (S-France).
Life cycle:
The adults appear between late June and October. They are well camouflaged by their light color between the dry grasses.
Endangerment factors:
Platycleis tessellata is nearly extinct in its northern outposts in Central Europe. In the Mediterranean, it is also local, but sites are much more numerous there.
The Mediterranean species penetrates north to Central France (locally even farther) and Southwestern Germany (Upper Rhine Valley).