Poecilimon sureyanus Uvarov, 1930

Synonyms/other combinations:
Poecilimon anatolicus

Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [S] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [M] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [M] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [M] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [M] Poecilimon sureyanus: Female (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [M] Poecilimon sureyanus: Male larva (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Habitat (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Habitat (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Habitat (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N] Poecilimon sureyanus: Habitat (NE-Greece, northern Mount Pangeon, 800m, late June 2023) [N]

Poecilimon sureyanus inhabits forb-rich places, often in semi-shadow along woodland margins, but also in full sun exposition. It is also found in Rubus thickets and stands ot Pteridium aquilinum. In Europe it settles in medium atitudes between app. 700 and 1400 m. I found it in numbers in open Sambucus ebulus stands at the northern foothills of mount Pangeon in N-Greece.

Life cycle:
The adults appear between June and August, most often in July. Most individuals have been mature in late June 2013 in 800 m at northern Pangeon. They usually rest on the plants openly like it is typical for Poecilimon. In heat they assume an agular position with lifted rear end in order to expose less area to the sun.

Endangerment factors:
Poecilimon sureyanus is threatened in the long term by either dense reforestation or too intense grazing.

Poecilimon sureyanus occurs rarely in NE-Greece (from Drama and Mount Pangeon a bit eastwards into the western Rhodopi) and NW-Anatolia (Turkey).

Poecilimon sureyanus belongs to the Poecilimon bosphoricus group.

Poecilimon affinis | Poecilimon amissus | Poecilimon ampliatus | Poecilimon artedentatus | Poecilimon brunneri | Poecilimon chopardi | Poecilimon cretensis | Poecilimon ebneri | Poecilimon ege | Poecilimon elegans | Poecilimon erimanthos | Poecilimon fussii | Poecilimon gerlindae | Poecilimon gracilis | Poecilimon hamatus | Poecilimon hoelzeli | Poecilimon intermedius | Poecilimon jonicus | Poecilimon laevissimus | Poecilimon macedonicus | Poecilimon mariannae | Poecilimon miramae | Poecilimon mytilenensis | Poecilimon nobilis | Poecilimon obesus | Poecilimon orbelicus | Poecilimon ornatus | Poecilimon pergamicus | Poecilimon propinquus | Poecilimon sanctipauli | Poecilimon schmidtii | Poecilimon superbus | Poecilimon thessalicus | Poecilimon thoracicus | Poecilimon turcicus | Poecilimon veluchianus | Poecilimon werneri | Poecilimon zimmeri | Poecilimon zwicki