Omocestus uhagonii inhabits stony, gappily vegetated pastures, partly with open broom scrub, in the higher altitudes from about 1200 (according to literature), but especially from 1800m and up to about 2400m.
Life cycle:
The adults appear in summer and autumn until late October. In some sites it is syntopic with the similar, but still a bit smaller Omocestus minutissimus. In the Sierra de Gredos near Serranillos (El Cabezo) I recorded O. minutissimus on the steep slope between 1600 and 1900m. From 1800 Omocestus uhagonii accompanied O. minutissimus and replaced it finally above 1900m to a large extent and totally above 2000m.
Omocestus uhagonii is endemic to the mountain ranges north and west of Madrid (Sierra de Gredos, Sierra de Guadarrama).