Host plants:
Grasses (Poaceae). I could beat many young larvae from Dactylus on Col de Champs.
Leucania comma inhabits moist to moderately dry, extensively managed habitats such as pastures, meadows, Arrhenaterum meadows, river valleys, wetlands, forest edges and similar places.
Life cycle:
The moths fly, depending on altitude, usually in one or more rarely two generations from mid-May to August with peak in late June (rarely still in September). The caterpillar overwinters. The exact way of life of the caterpillar is still little known. It is probable that the fully-grown larva hibernates and pupates in spring. In rearing from high mountains (Col de Champs) the larvae pupated in room temperature in autumn and gave the imago three weeks later. In other cases the mature larva hibernated.
Leucania comma occurs in Europe (except in the southernmost area) and temperate Asia.