Sideridis albicolon (Hübner, [1813])

Sideridis albicolon: Adult (e.l. Valais) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Half-grown larva (Valais, July 2008) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Half-grown larva (Valais, July 2008) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Larva (e.l. Valais) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Larva (e.l. Valais) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Larva (e.l. Valais) [S] Sideridis albicolon: Pupa [S] Sideridis albicolon: Larval habitat in the steppe slopes of Valais in July 2012 [N] Sideridis albicolon: Larval habitat in the steppe slopes of Valais in July 2012 [N]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives polyphagous on herbs. I observed it on Onobrychis montana (Valais).

The specific claims do not seem to be clearly known. I suspect a dependence to dry, rather warm habitats on sand or rock grasslands. I found the caterpillar in the Valais on steppe-slopes in about 800m above sea level in early July 2008.

Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates. Moths fly from May to June and rarely in a very partial second generation in August and early September. The caterpillar lives especially from mid-June to early August. It is said to hide during the day. I found it, however, in hot weather on plant stems (perhaps heat escape).

Endangerment: strongly endangered

Endangerment factors:
The economically less valuable habitats have been already destroyed in a quite far extent, so for the vineyards or industrial facilities and asparagus fields (sandy heaths) etc.

The spread ranges from the Iberian Peninsula across Central Europe to east Asia. Sideridis albicolon is largely absent in the extreme south and north of Europe.

Sideridis kitti | Sideridis rivularis 
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