Host plants:
The caterpillar lives polyphagous on herbs. The literature mentions Galium. In the French Alps, I found young caterpillars in late June 2011 together with those of Hadena tephroleuca on Silene on rocks at 1600m above sea level.
Antitype suda inhabits according to own experiences xerothermic, often rocky slopes from about 500 to about 2000m. In the French Alps, I found caterpillars on very dry, warm spots in 1600m above sea level (a single observation even in 2300m above sea level).
Life cycle:
The egg hibernates. The caterpillar lives depending on the altitude from April to August. They were still quite small in 1600m above sea level (Maritime Alps) in late June 2011. In late July 2011, I found a fully-grown caterpillar in Northern Greece in the Phalakro Mountains at 2000m above sea level.
The moths fly in the autumn from late August to late October/early November.
Antitype suda occurs only very locally: allegedly Northern Spain, then in the Southwestern Alps with emphasis in the French Southern Alps and very sporadically in neighbouring Italy (maritime Alps). In Switzerland, it is rarely found in the Valais, further in Northern Italy in the Vinschgau (Venosta) and Abruzzi. Finally, Antitype suda occurs in the Balkans (e.g. Macedonia, Bulgaria, Northern Greece) and in Asia Minor.