Host plants:
The larva feeds on grasses and especially herbs. It is found on the ground at least in older instars.
Charanyca trigrammica inhabits various open to semi-open habitats such as wet meadows, extensive mowed meadows and ruderal terrains. I know Charanyca trigrammica from bushy limestone grasslands of the Swabian Alb.
Life cycle:
The caterpillar overwinters quite mature. I found still feeding caterpillars in November during the day in the sunshine in a xerothermic grassland with rose bushes on the ground, almost hidden between a rock and Potentilla neumanniana or in the base of Festuca guestfahlica.
Endangerment factors:
Charanyca trigrammica is endangered only weakly.
Charanyca trigrammica colonizes large parts of Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus.