Host plants:
The caterpillar lives polyphagous on herbs of their habitats, but preferably Fabaceae. I found a caterpillar in the upper Danube valley in a horseshoe vetch-cushion (Hippocrepis comosa) on a rock.
Charissa intermedia inhabits rocky grasslands areas, rocky slopes and old quarries.
Life cycle:
The caterpillar overwinters. I found a still half-grown larva in April 2011. The moths fly from May to early July.
Endangerment: endangered
Endangerment factors:
Main threat is habitat loss due to succession and overshadowing and excessive climbing or overbuilding.
Charissa intermedia is only known from a small area from the Alps (especially Switzerland, Austria, Germany), the Jura (Switzerland, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Thuringia and parts of eastern and south-Eastern Europe to Greece.