Host plants:
The caterpillar lives mostly on Fabaceae like Trifolium, Medicago, Vicia or Genista. I found, for example, larvae at the edge of a limestone grassland on Medicago falcata during the day in the sunshine.
Chiasmia clathrata inhabits extensive grassland of all types like little fertilized hay meadows, limestone juniper grasslands, forest meadows, edges and clearings, dams and similar places.
Life cycle:
Chiasmia clathrata occurs in 2 to 3 generations and flies from late April to early September. The caterpillars live from late May to early October. The pupa hibernates.
Endangerment factors:
Chiasmia clathrata is due to its relatively small habitat requirements not endangered, but is clearly in decline because of the compared to 100 years ago dramatic decline in extensive habitats.
Chiasmia clathrata occurs from north Africa across Europe to east Asia.