Lycia hirtaria (Clerck, 1759)

Lycia hirtaria: Adult (e.l. Northern Greece 2010) [S] Lycia hirtaria: Male (Schwäbisch Gmünd, 26.03.2010) [M] Lycia hirtaria: Male (Schwäbisch Gmünd) [M] Lycia hirtaria: Male [S] Lycia hirtaria: Female Lycia hirtaria: Half-grown larva [M] Lycia hirtaria: Larva in penultimate instar [S] Lycia hirtaria: Larva (Northern Greece) [S] Lycia hirtaria: Larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany) [M] Lycia hirtaria: Larva (Northern Greece, May 2010) [S] Lycia hirtaria: Larva (Northern Greece, May 2010) [S] Lycia hirtaria: Pupa (e.l. eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany) [S]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives very polyphagous on deciduous wood such as Prunus, Crataegus and Salix.

Lycia hirtaria inhabits forests, shrub-rich grasslands, hedge regions and general grove rich habitats into urban parks.

Life cycle:
The moths fly in early spring (February to May with a focus on late March/early April). The caterpillar lives from late April to early July. The pupa respectively the largely developed moths in the pupal case overwinter.

Lycia hirtaria occurs in Europe and temperate Asia including Japan.

Lycia alpina | Lycia zonaria