Mythimna vitellina (Hübner, 1808)

Mythimna vitellina: Adult [S] Mythimna vitellina: Adult [S] Mythimna vitellina: Adult (Northern Greece, May 2010) [N] Mythimna vitellina: Adult (e.l. La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Young larva [S] Mythimna vitellina: Half-grown larva [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Larva (La Palma, December 2010) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Pupa [S] Mythimna vitellina: Pupa (e.l. La Palma) [S] Mythimna vitellina: Habitat in Northern Greece: nutrient-poor grasslands [N]

Host plants:
The larvae feeds on grasses. I found the caterpillar often in La Palma in about 600m above sea level on freshly sprouting grass in a forest fire area.

Mythimna vitellina inhabits open habitats such as meadows, nutrient-poor grasslands, ruderal areas, roadsides and similar places. In Northern Greece I found freshly emerged adults in dry, scrubby grasslands with Pyrgus sidae and Philotes bavius (May 2010).

Life cycle:
Mythimna vitellina has mostly two or three generations per year. The caterpillars overwinter. In the Canaries and supposedly also elsewhere in the south, moths and caterpillars can be found year-round. The caterpillars rest during the day at the base of grass clumps or in the litter as the other Mythimna larvae. Pupation takes place in a cocoon in the top soil layer.

Mythimna vitellina occurs in North Africa, in Southern Europe and the more southern Asia. In Central Europe occasional migratory individuals are sighted.

Mythimna albipunctata | Mythimna anderreggii | Mythimna congrua | Mythimna conigera | Mythimna ferrago | Mythimna impura | Mythimna l-album | Mythimna languida | Mythimna litoralis | Mythimna pallens | Mythimna pudorina | Mythimna riparia | Mythimna scirpi | Mythimna straminea | Mythimna turca | Mythimna unipuncta | Mythimna velutina 
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