Host plants:
The caterpillar is polyphagous in the herb layer and has also been recorded on woody plants. I found it along with those of Scopula ornata at Thymus pulegioides (eastern Swabian Alb) and in South Tyrol on Sanguisorba minor.
Scopula marginepunctata inhabits stony, shrubbery rich grasslands, unused quarries, vineyard slopes and walls, rocky, bushy terrain, shrub-rich sandy grasslands and similar locations.
Life cycle:
The caterpillar overwinters. The moths fly according to their habitat in 2 to 3 generations from late April to early October.
Endangerment: regionally endangered or decreasing
Endangerment factors:
Scopula marginepunctata is only slightly endangered, as it is recorded quite regularly in appropriate habitats. Nevertheless, many populations have already been lost through intensification, overbuilding and succession/reforestation.
Scopula marginepunctata occurs from north Africa across Europe (north to south Sweden) to Central Asia (Pamir).